Virgo(kanni)(Uttaram is the 2nd pada first, Astam, Chitrai is the 2nd pada) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023

Virgo individuals are analytical and detail-oriented. They excel in tasks that require precision and organization. Practicality is their strength, and they have a keen eye for spotting flaws and improving things. Virgos are known for their reliability and dependability; when they commit to something, they follow through with dedication. They are often humble and prefer to work quietly behind the scenes, but their contributions are invaluable. While they may be perceived as perfectionists, their attention to detail ensures quality and efficiency in everything they do. Virgos are thoughtful, caring friends who offer practical advice and support.

MonthStarting Date & TimeEnding Date & TimeRasi
January 27 Jan 2023,06.36 pm 30 Jan 2023, 02.46 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
February 24 Feb 2023,03.44 am 26 Feb 2023, 10.14 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
March 23 Mar 2023,02.08 pm 25 Mar 2023,07.25 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
April 19 Apr 2023,11.53 pm 22 Apr 2023,05.02 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
May 17 May 2023,07.38 am 19 May 2023, 01.34 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
June 13 Jun 2023,01.32 pm 15 Jun 2023,08.23 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
July 10 Jul 2023,06.59 pm 13 Jul 2023, 01.58 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
August 07 Aug 2023,01.43 am 09 Aug 2023,07.42 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
September 03 Sep 2023,10.38 am 05 Sep 2023,03.00 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
September 30 Sep 2023,09.08 pm 03 Oct 2023,12.15 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
October 28 Oct 2023,07.31 am 30 Oct 2023,10.28 am Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
November 24 Nov 2023,04.01 pm 26 Nov 2023,07.55 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023
December 21 Dec 2023,10.09 pm 24 Dec 2023,03.17 pm Virgo(kanni) Rasi Chandrashtama Days 2023

Virgo(kanni) (Uttaram is the 2nd pada first, Astam, Chitrai is the 2nd pada) Rasi Chandrashtama Days

Chandrashtama refers to the eighth tithi (lunar day) in each half of the lunar month in the Hindu calendar. The word "Chandrashtama" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Chandra," meaning moon, and "Ashtama," meaning eighth. It is considered inauspicious in Hindu astrology and is associated with challenges and potential difficulties.

Chandrashtama occurs twice in a lunar month:

Krishna Paksha Chandrashtama: This is the eighth tithi during the waning phase of the moon, which occurs in the dark fortnight of the lunar month.

Shukla Paksha Chandrashtama: This is the eighth tithi during the waxing phase of the moon, which occurs in the bright fortnight of the lunar month.

People often avoid starting new ventures, important activities, or journeys during Chandrashtama, as it is believed to be a time when negative energies are strong. Instead, individuals may choose to engage in spiritual activities, prayers, and avoid major decisions during this period.

It's important to note that beliefs and practices related to Chandrashtama can vary among different regions and communities within the broader Hindu tradition. Individuals may consult astrologers or follow specific cultural and family traditions regarding auspicious and inauspicious times.