"The liar’s punishment is that even when he speaks the truth, no one believes him"
— The Talmud
"Once a person has sinned and repeated the sin, [he treats it] as if it has become permitted"
— The Talmud
"The inclination only desires that which is forbidden"
— The Talmud
"No two minds are alike, [just as] no two faces are alike "
— The Talmud
"Do not celebrate among the mourners, and do not weep among revelers"
— The Talmud
" There is no community where everyone is rich; neither is there a community where everyone is poor "
— The Talmud
" Do not say something that should never be heard, because ultimately it will be heard"
— The Talmud
" Anyone who introduces excessive fear into his house will ultimately cause three sins: infidelity, murder, and Sabbath desecration."
— The Talmud
" Youth is a crown of roses; old age is a crown of thorns "
— The Talmud
" No one is [truly] poor, save for someone who is ill "
— The Talmud
"Who is a wise man? He who looks into the future."
— The Talmud
"To break a verbal engagement, though legally not binding, is a moral wrong."
— The Talmud
"The righteous control their desires, but the desires of the wicked control them."
— The Talmud
"It is sinful to deceive any man, be he even a heathen."
— The Talmud
" Envy, lust, ambition, bring a man to perdition."
— The Talmud